Your Soulful Business Plan
A 3 Week Ecourse that Will Help You create a One Year Business Plan
Heidi Carter
Day 1: Gather Your Supplies
Day Two: Prep Your Pages
Day Three: Bookmarks
Day Four: Write an Inscription
Your Business Dreams
Your Money Map
Day 6: "I Want to Feel" List
Day 7: The Power of You + Affirmations
Day 8: Your Niche
Day 9: Services & Products
Day 10: Big Rocks
Day 11: Medium Rocks
Day 12: Small Rocks
Day 13: Timeframe
Day 14: One Year Plan Draft
Day 15: Final One Year Plan
Day 16: Prep Monthly Pages
Day 17: Prep Monthly Pages
Day 18: Monthly Plan in Journal
Day 19: Calendar it In
Day 20: Who Do you Need to Be?
Day 21: Celebrate!